A clinical study of the use of sulphurous water "Madonna Assunta" as a treatment of rhinogenous deafness

Dell'acqua solfurea "Madonna Assunta" nella sordita rinogena
Authors: Nappi G , De Vita C , Masciocchi MM , De Luca S
Source: Medicina Clinica e Termale 12(44-45):NA
DOI: Not specified Publication date: 1998 E-Publication date: Not specified Availability: abstract Copyright: Not specified
Language: Italian Countries: Italy Location: Pigna Correspondence address: Not specified


Article abstract

Two groups of patients affected by chronic pathologies of the middle ear evolving towards rhinogenous deafness were submitted to a test aimed at evaluating the therapeutical effect of a sulphurous water: one group was treated with the mineral water "Madonna Assunta" of the watering resort PIGNA (IM), the other one was treated with placebo. Both groups were submitted to inhalatory treatments and endotympanic insufflations. The analysis of the clinical results as well as of the variations in the audiometric and impedancemetric instrumental values, showed the therapeutical effectiveness of the sulphurous water and its peculiar biological action.

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