Amplipulse-magnetotherapy and iodine-bromine waters in combined treatment of patients with chronic nonspecific salpingo-oophoritis

Authors: Iarustovskaia OV , Rodina EV , Orekhova EM , Markina LP
Source: Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 2005 Sep-Oct;(5):14-6
DOI: Not specified Publication date: 2005 Sep E-Publication date: Not specified Availability: abstract Copyright: Not specified
Language: Russian Countries: Not specified Location: Not specified Correspondence address: Not specified


Article abstract

Amplipulse-magnetotherapy was used as monotherapy and in combined treatment of 110 patients with chronic nonspecific salpingo-oophoritis (CNSO). Clinical assessment shows that transcerebral amplipulse-megnetotherapy (TAMT) has a positive effects on the course of CNSO, reproductive system and psychoemotional status of the patients. The addition of physical and balneological factors to TAMT enhances and prolongs neurotropic, endocrine, analgetic and anti-inflammatory effects of TAMT.

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